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Understanding star schema icons

Compose displays various icons to indicate both the status and characteristics of the star schema tables. These icons are displayed in the table below.

Star schema icons
Icon Description

Warning exclamation mark icon

Indicates that although the structure for the star schema has been defined, all or part of the dimension(s) and/or fact table do not physically exist in the data warehouse. Click Create Tables to create the tables and/or click Validate to see what needs to be adjusted.

Checkmark in circle icon

Displayed when the dimension(s) and/or fact table physically exist in the data warehouse.

Six-pointed star connection icon

Indicates a conformed (shared) dimension.

Four small squares visible to the bottom left of table name

Small squares indicate that there are denormalized tables under the root dimension table. Each square represents a denormalized table, so in the image on the left, the Orders root dimension has four denormalized tables. To view the denormalized table names, hover the mouse cursor over each of the squares.

Circular arrows symbol

Displayed when a dimension has a reference to itself.

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