Integrating data
Qlik Cloud Data Integration provides the ability to create data pipelines to perform a variety of data integration tasks in support of your data architecture and analytics requirements.
Onboarding data lets you automate incremental data movement, and use delayed merges to reduce costs. You can leverage real-time, log-based change data capture with secure connection to on-premises data sources behind firewalls, or use full load capabilities for SaaS data sources. Once you have onboarded data, you can apply transformations for fit-for-purpose output, or automate patterns like data mart facts and dimensions. External views and live views are generated for data consumption. Qlik Cloud Data Integration also generates a full type 2 historical data store (HDS).
You can also replicate data from a large number of supported data sources to an Amazon S3 data lake, or to any of the supported target platforms.
The refined data output from Qlik Cloud Data Integration can be used for many purposes:
Loading and ingesting data to a centralized data warehouse.
Data mining.
Automated creation of data for analytics in the cloud.
Modernization of your data repository to support Machine Learning and other initiatives.
Introducing Qlik Cloud Data Integration
Introducing the concepts and building blocks of Qlik Cloud Data Integration.
Creating a data pipeline
Create a data pipeline to automate, orchestrate, and monitor end-to-end transformation.
Creating a data replication task
You can replicate data from supported data sources to any supported target.
Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement
Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement facilitates secure data movement from your enterprise data sources and SaaS applications to supported targets.
Connecting to data sources
You can connect to a large number of data sources to onboard data to a cloud platform.
Connecting to targets
You can connect to target platforms to facilitate data delivery and various ELT operations, including data registration, data storage, transformations, and data mart creation.
Working with data products
Data products allow you to gather and package trusted datasets related to the same domain.
Monitoring and operating your data tasks
You can monitor and operate the status and progress of your data pipelines with monitor views.
Qlik Cloud Data Integration videos
Watch some of our short videos to get started integrating data.