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Defining the connection parameters

You can add a MySQL database to Qlik Compose to use as a source.

  1. In the New Data Source window, enter the information as described in the table below.

    Data source fields




    Select MySQL.

    Server Name

    Specify the name or IP address of the MySQL server machine.


    Optionally, change the default port.

    User Name

    Specify your username for accessing the MySQL database.

    The specified user must have read/write privileges on the MySQL database.


    Specify your password for accessing the MySQL database.

    Database Name

    Specify the name of the MySQL database.


    Specify the schema containing the source tables.

  2. Click Test Connection to verify that Compose is able to establish a connection with the specified database and/or landing zone.
  3. Click OK to save your settings.

    The database is added to the list on the left side of the Manage Databases window.

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