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Before you can use Oracle as a source in a Qlik Compose project, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • The Oracle database should be configured with the required Permissions and accessible from the Compose machine.
  • Install Oracle Data Access Components (x64) on the computer where Qlik Compose is located. Then, add the full path of the Oracle Data Access DLL to the system environment variables.

    The default path should be: <ORACLE_PRODUCT_CLIENT_DIR>\ODP.NET\bin\4\

    Information noteThe path to the Oracle Data Access DLL also needs to be specified in both the machine.conf file and the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). In addition, make sure that the Oracle.DataAccess.dll file exists in the following location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_64.
    Warning note

    The Qlik Compose service needs to be restarted after installing the required components.

  • Install Oracle Instant Client or later (Windows x64) on the computer where Qlik Compose is located.
  • If you want to use an Oracle TNS name in the connection settings, you first need to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.



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