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Viewing and exporting task statements

You can view the task statements that were run during the data warehouse task. You can also export the task statements to a CSV file for reviewing and sharing.

  1. Click the Manage button at the bottom left of the DATA WAREHOUSE panel.

    The Manage Tasks window open.

  2. Click the Task Statements toolbar button.

  3. The Task Statements - <Name> window opens in List View. Navigate through the commands using the scroll bar or find specific commands using the Search box.


    Click the Item View button and navigate through the commands using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the Task Statements - <Name> window.

Information note

To jump to a specific command, type the command number in the Go To field at the bottom of the window and then press [Enter].

  1. In List View, click the Export to CSV File button located to the left of the search field.

  2. A file named "<name>_ETL_Instructions.csv" will be saved to your default Downloads location or you will be prompted to save it (according to your browser settings).

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