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Silently installing Compose

The installation process consists of two stages: creating a response file, and running the silent install.

Creating a response file

Before starting the installation, you need to create a response file.

  1. From the directory containing the Compose setup file, run the following command (note that this will also install Compose):

    Qlik_Compose_<version.number>.exe /r /f1<my_response_file>


    <my_response_file> is the full path to the generated response file.


    Qlik_Compose_<version.number>.exe /r /f1C:\Compose_install.iss

  2. To change the default installation directory, open the response file in a text editor and edit the first szDir value as necessary.
  3. To change the default data directory, edit the third szDir value as necessary.
  4. Save the file as <name>.iss, e.g. Compose_install_64.iss.

Running the silent install

To silently install Compose, open a command prompt and change the working directory to the directory containing the Compose setup file. Then issue the following command (where <response file> is the path to the response file you created earlier):


<Compose_setup_file> /s /f1<my_response_file> [/f2<LOG_FILE>]


C:\>Qlik_Compose_<version.number>.exe /s /f1C:\temp\1\Compose_install.iss /f2C:\temp\1\silent_x64_install.log

If the installation was successful, the log file should contain the following rows:



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