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License settings

You need to register a valid license in order to use Qlik Compose. The license file contains details such as the product expiration date, the date the license was issued, which source databases can be used, and so on.

License enforcement

The license is enforced only when trying to generate, run, or schedule a task (via the web console or API ). Other operations such as Test Connection may also fail if you do not have an appropriate license.

Registering a license

This section describes how to register your Compose license. You can register the license either using the console or using a command line.

  1. Copy the license file to the computer on which Compose is installed or to any computer in your network that can be accessed from the Compose computer.
  2. Click Load and browse to find and select the license file. The license text is displayed in the window. Check to be sure that the details are correct.

  3. Click Register License to register the license. A message indicating the license was registered successfully is displayed.

Run the following command from the Compose bin directory:

Command syntax

ComposeCli.exe register_license --infile|license_text


Parameter Description

The full path to the Qlik Compose license file.


A string in JSON format. When specifying a JSON string, any quote symbols should be escaped using a backslash (\).


Register a license with --infile:

ComposeCli.exe register_license --infile c:\Admin\Temp\lic.txt

Register a license with --license_text:

ComposeCli.exe register_license --license_text "{ \"$type\": \"ComposeLicense\", \"product\": \"Compose\", \"issued_to\": \"qa\", \"issued_by\": \"Qlik\", 07-21\", \"hosts\": \"\", \"product_version\": \"2.8\", \"notes\": \"\", \"host_role\": \"\", \"source_db_types\": \"\", \"dwh_type\": \"\", \"number_of_dms\": \"0\", \"managed_dwh_size\": \"0\", LcVLPfXvD4wY5ZyUYlasdjtOvQd1Hwk5UzT7xe5+pqhZtB1dfUUyl50+7zKju7vm1kkPnz3I+L5LbLm3FpvqxIxOFrj2LQBk1LoUxMN+v06vI+w5aMSGQw6fttUgbYohFCIOduk8=\"}"

Viewing a license

You can view the license information in the Qlik Compose Console at any time.

  1. From the Management menu, select License|View License.

  2. The License window opens. All of the license information is displayed in the License window.

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