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Overrides the list of tables selected for inclusion in a specific Replicate task.



Required user role

See Required Enterprise Manager permissions.

Request URL parameters

Request URL parameters
Location Name Required Description


host [string]


The host name of the Qlik Enterprise Manager server.

Example: computer.network.net


Server [string]


The Replicate Server name as defined on Qlik Enterprise Manager.

Example: myrepsrv1


Task [string]


The Replicate task for which the tables were selected.


EnterpriseManager.APISessionID [string]



Request body parameters

The request body should be in a JSON file in valid JSON format.

Request body parameters
Location Name Required Description
JSON included_pattern No

The new include table pattern for the Replicate task.

  • owner: The table schema or owner
  • name: Tables matching this pattern will be included
  • load_order: The order in which the tables will be loaded to the target. "0" means random order. See Load order for additional numeric values that can be used to define the load order. You can also set the value to LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, or HIGHEST.
  • table_type: The entity type. Can be view or table.
JSON excluded_pattern No

The new exclude table pattern for the Replicate task.

  • owner: The table schema or owner
  • name: Tables matching this pattern will be excluded
  • load_order: The order in which the tables will be loaded to the target. "0" means random order. See Load order for additional numeric values that can be used to define the load order. You can also set the value to LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, or HIGHEST.
  • table_type: The entity type. Can be view or table.
JSON explicit_included_tables Only if no patterns have been defined.

The specific list of tables and views selected for the Replicate task and the order in which they are loaded to the target.

  • owner: The table schema or owner
  • name: Tables matching this name will be included
  • load_order: The order in which the tables will be loaded to the target. "0" means random order. See Load order for additional numeric values that can be used to define the load order. You can also set the value to LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, or HIGHEST.
  • table_type: The entity type. Can be view or table.

Example JSON for overriding patterns and explicitly selected tables



"explicit_included_tables": [


"owner": "dbo",

"name": "employees",

"load_order": 0,

"table_type": "TABLE"



"owner": "dbo",

"name": "customers",

"load_order": 0,

"table_type": "TABLE"



cURL example


curl -X PUT -i -k --header "EnterpriseManager.APISessionID: eEAt8oWp4TtS3KzV7YlDUw" https://myemhost/attunityenterprisemanager/api/v1/servers/localhost/tasks/sql2sql_fl_test/tables?action=selection -T "c:\putselection.json"


All of the general errors as well as the errors listed in the table below.

Error responses
HTTP Code Enterprise Manager Code Text Description



Failed to retrieve table list for replication task "{task}" on server "{server}". Error: "{message}"

Returned when the table list cannot be retrieved.



Replicate task {task} on server {server} could not be found.

The task name is unknown to Enterprise Manager.

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