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Logging levels

The logging level you set determines what information is written to the system log file, EnterpriseManager.log, and whether information is written to the Attunity.WebLog.log file. The system log file provides information about events, warnings, and errors occurring in Enterprise Manager, but not for the monitored Replicate servers and their respective tasks. The WebLog file captures requests and responses between the client and server, but only when the logging level for the WebLog component is set to Trace or Verbose.

Information note

 Because the WebLog file grows quickly in size, it is recommended that you only set the logging level for the WebLog component to Trace or Verbose for short periods of time, such as when troubleshooting an issue.

The following logging levels are available, from the lowest to the highest:

  • Error: Include only error messages.
  • Warning: Include error and warning messages.
  • Info: Include error, warning, and info messages.
  • Trace: In addition to error, warning, and info messages, include debug data.
  • Verbose: In addition to error, warning, and info message, include detailed debug data.

Within the log file, the logging level is indicated by the initial letter: E for error, W for warning, and so on. The higher levels always include the messages from the lower levels. Therefore, if you select Error, only error messages are written to the log. However, if you select Info, informational messages, warnings, and error messages are included. Selecting Verbose writes all possible messages to the log.

You can set a global logging level for all log components or separate logging levels for each component. For example, you can define a logging level of Info for Message Center logs and a logging level of Warning for Replicate tasks.

To set the logging level:

  1. In the top right corner, click the gear icon.
  2. In the Settings window, in the Logging Levels tab, move the top slider to the log level you want.

    This sets the log level for all components. Note that the sliders for all components move along to the same position.

  3. Optionally, modify the individual logging level for any component.
  4. Click OK.

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