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Managing notifications

You can manage task and server notification in their respective tabs.

The following management options are available:

Information note

All of the actions described below can also be performed via the context menu.

Notification actions
To Do this

Delete a notification

Select the desired notification(s) and then click the Delete toolbar button.

When prompted to confirm your action, click Yes.

Edit a notification

Select the desired notification(s) and then click the Open toolbar button.

Enable a notification

Select the desired notification(s) and then click the Enable toolbar button.

Disable a notification

Select the desired notification(s) and then click the Disable toolbar button.

Search for a notification

Use the search box to perform a search on all the columns in the notification list.


Search by column value by specifying the column name as a prefix.

Example 1:

To find all enabled notifications specify:

Enabled: true

Example 2:

To find all notifications where "Jeff" is one of the recipients, specify:

Recipients: Jeff

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