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Information about tables with errors

To view more information about tables that could not be loaded due to an error, in the <task name> tab, click the Error bar. The Tables - Error area displays a grid with the following information:

  • Table Name: The names of the source tables that could not be loaded to the target.
  • Failed On: The time that the error occurred.
  • Loaded Count: The number of records loaded when the error occurred.
  • Reload tables. To reload selected tables, select the tables you want to reload and then click Reload above the table list. When prompted to confirm the operation, click OK. The data in the selected tables will be reloaded to the target endpoint. Note that this option is not available for Apply Changes Only tasks.
  • Use the Columns Settings dialog box to select which columns to display and to arrange the order in which they appear. For more information, see Customizing task columns.
  • Hide a column, export the list to a TSV file, or sort by column in ascending or descending order. For more information, see Customizing task columns.

For more information, see Data error handling.

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