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Handling actions resulting in subtype 83

Subtype 83 is a special diagnostic log record. The following topic describes how Replicate handles actions resulting in subtype 83.

Subtype 83 commands
Action How it is Handled by Replicate


(With some variations, e.g. ADD COLUMN)

Handled without issue.


(With some variations)

Handled without issue.


(All variations)

A warning message will be generated, with the following text (example):

DB2z utility (subtype 83) variation 4 (LOAD REPLACE) at LSN=0000000000123abc0000

Additionally, the table will be suspended if the internal Replicate parameter "db2LoadOption" is set to "SUSPEND". The default is "IGNORE", in which case a warning message will still be printed.


(All variations except SHRLEVEL CHANGE)

A warning message will be generated, with the following text (example):

DB2z utility (subtype 83) variation 3 (LOAD RESUME YES) at LSN=0000000000123abc0000

Additionally, the table will be suspended if the internal Replicate parameter "db2LoadOption" is set to "SUSPEND". The default is "IGNORE", in which case a warning message will still be printed.


(If any rows are discarded)

A warning message will be generated, with the following text (example):

DB2z utility (subtype 83) variation 5 (REORG DISCARD) at LSN=0000000000123abc0000

Additionally, the table will be suspended if the internal Replicate parameter "db2LoadOption" is set to "SUSPEND". The default is "IGNORE", in which case a warning message will still be printed.


(If any rows are deleted)

A warning message will be generated, with the following text (example):

DB2z utility (subtype 83) variation 6 (CHECK DATA DELETE) at LSN=0000000000123abc0000

Additionally, the table will be suspended if the internal Replicate parameter "db2LoadOption" is set to "SUSPEND". The default is "IGNORE", in which case a warning message will still be printed.


A warning message will be generated, with the following text (example):

DB2z utility (subtype 83) variation 7 (RECOVER TO POINT IN TIME) at LSN=0000000000123abc0000

Additionally the table will be suspended if the internal Replicate parameter "db2LoadOption" is set to "SUSPEND". The default is "IGNORE", in which case a warning message will still be printed.

Information note

It's possible that LOAD RESUME NO, without REPLACE, may also create the subtype 83 log record. In such a case, the warning message shown above would indicate an unknown variation number, with (UNIDENTIFIED) as the description. All other actions would be the same as described above.

It is important to note that data loaded by this utility variation will not be captured. Consequently, this utility variation should be avoided.

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