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Setting general connection properties

This section describes how to configure general connection properties. For an explanation of how to configure advanced connection properties, see Setting advanced connection properties.

To add an Amazon EMR target endpoint to Qlik Replicate:

  1. In the Qlik Replicate console, click Manage Endpoint Connections to open the Manage Endpoint Connections dialog box.

    For more information on adding an endpoint to Qlik Replicate, see Defining and managing endpoints.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for your endpoint. This can be any name that will help to identify the endpoint being used.
  3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Amazon EMR endpoint. This is optional.
  4. Select Amazon EMR as the endpoint Type.
  5. In the Storage section, set the following properties:

    • Region:

    • The region where your bucket is located. It is recommended to leave the default (Auto-Detect) as it usually eliminates the need to select a specific region. However, due to security considerations, for some regions (for example, AWS GovCloud) you might need to explicitly select the region. If the region you require does not appear in the regions list, select Other and set the code using the regionCode internal parameter in the endpoint’s Advanced tab.

      For a list of region codes, see the Region availability section in:


    • Access options: Choose one of the following:
      • Key pair

        Choose this method to authenticate with your Access Key and Secret Key.

      • IAM Roles for EC2

        Choose this method if the machine on which Qlik Replicate is installed is configured to authenticate itself using an IAM role.

        For information on IAM roles, see:


    • Access key: If you selected Key pair as your access method, enter your access key for Amazon S3.
    • Secret key: If you selected Key pair as your access method, enter your secret key for Amazon S3.
    • In the Target folder field, specify the target folder in your Amazon S3 bucket.

      Information note

      The Target folder name should contain ASCII characters only.

  6. In the Data Encryption section, choose one of the following:

  7. In the Hive Access section:

    1. In the Host field, specify the public host name or IP address of the Hive server.
    2. In the Port field, optionally change the default port.
    3. From the Authentication type drop-down list, choose either Username or Username and Password and then enter the required information in the designated fields.
    4. To access Hive using SSL, select Use SSL and then specify the full path to a CA certificate file in PEM format in the CA path field.
    5. In the Database field, specify the name of the Hive target database.
    6. If you configured your Amazon EMR clusters to use the AWS Glue Data Catalog, select the Store table metadata in AWS Glue Data Catalog option.

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