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Setting general connection properties

This section describes how to configure general connection properties. For an explanation of how to configure advanced connection properties, see Setting advanced connection properties.

To add a Microsoft Azure HDInsight target endpoint to Qlik Replicate:

  1. In the Qlik Replicate console, click Manage Endpoint Connections to open the Manage Endpoint Connections dialog box.

    For more information on adding an endpoint to Qlik Replicate, see Defining and managing endpoints.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for your endpoint. This can be any name that will help to identify the endpoint being used.
  3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Microsoft Azure HDInsight endpoint. This is optional.
  4. Select Microsoft Azure HDInsight as the endpoint Type.
  5. In the Security section's SSL CA path field, specify the location of the SSL CA certificate in PEM format (or certificate chain if needed) on the Replicate Server machine. If you do not have your own CA certificate, you can specify the path to the cacerts.pem file provided with the ODBC driver installation.

    Note that if you select the Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen1 storage type, the CA file must also contain the CA of login.microsoftonline.com.

  6. In the Azure Storage section, from the Storage type drop-down list, select the desired storage type.

    Information note

    The Blob storage option is not supported when Qlik Replicate is running on Linux.

    If you selected Blob storage:

    1. In the Storage account field, specify the name of an account with write permissions to the container.

      Information note

      To connect to an Azure resource on Government Cloud or China Cloud, you need to specify the full resource name of the storage account. For example, assuming the storage account is MyBlobStorage, then the resource name for China cloud would be MyBlobStorage.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn


      For information on setting internal parameters, see Setting advanced connection properties

    2. In the Access key field, specify the account access key.
    3. In the Container name field, specify the container name.
    4. In the Target folder field, specify where to create the data files on Blob storage.

    If you selected Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen1:

    1. In the Data Lake Store name field, specify the full name of the ADLS storage.

      Information note

      To connect to an Azure resource on Government Cloud or China Cloud, you need to specify the full resource name of the storage account. For example, assuming the storage account is "myaccount", then the resource name for China Cloud would be myaccount.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn

      In addition, you also need to specify the login URL using the adlsLoginUrl internal parameter. For China Cloud, this would be https://login.chinacloudapi.cn


      For information on setting internal parameters, see Setting advanced connection properties

    2. In the Azure Active Directory Tenant ID field, specify the Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
    3. In the Application Registration Client ID field, specify the application registration client ID.
    4. In the Application Registration Secret field, specify the application registration secret.
    5. In the Target folder field, specify where to create the data files on ADLS.

    If you selected Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2:

    1. In the Storage account field, specify the name of your storage account.

      Information note

      To connect to an Azure resource on Government Cloud or China Cloud, you need to specify the full resource name of the storage account. For example, assuming the storage account is "myaccount", then the resource name for China Cloud would be myaccount.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn

      In addition, you also need to specify the login URL using the adlsLoginUrl internal parameter. For China Cloud, this would be https://login.chinacloudapi.cn

      For information on setting internal parameters, see Setting advanced connection properties

    2. In the Azure Active Directory Tenant ID field, specify the Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
    3. In the Application Registration Client ID field, specify the application registration client ID.
    4. In the Application Registration Secret field, specify the application registration secret.
    5. In the Container field, specify the file system containing your folders and files.
    6. In the Target folder field, specify where to create the data files on ADLS.
Information note
  1. In the Hive Access section:

    1. In the Host field, specify the host name of the Hive server.
    2. Enter your Username and Password for accessing the Hive server in the designated fields.
    3. In the Database field, specify the name of the Hive target database.

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