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Before you begin to work with CDP Private Cloud as a target in Qlik Replicate, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • General:

    • The HDFS storage must be accessible from the Qlik Replicate machine.
    • When ODBC Access is selected, the Hive Server must be accessible from the Qlik Replicate machine.
  • ODBC Access:

    Accessing Hive using ODBC requires the following to be installed on the Replicate Server machine:

    • Windows: Install Cloudera ODBC driver for Apache Hive 2.6.9 or later.

    • Linux: Install Cloudera ODBC driver for Apache Hive 2.6.9 or later.

      After the driver is installed, edit the odbcinst.ini file as follows:



  • SSL:

    Before you can use SSL, you first need to perform the following tasks:

    • Configure each NameNode and each DataNode with an SSL certificate (issued by the same CA).
    • Place the CA certificate on the Replicate Server machine. The certificate should be a base64-encoded PEM (OpenSSL) file.
  • Permissions:

    The user specified in the CDP Private Cloud target settings must have write permission for the specified HDFS target directory.

  • Task Settings:

    Before starting a task with the Full Load and/or Apply Changes replication options enabled, set the Change Processing Mode to Transactional apply as Batch optimized apply is not supported.

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