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Remote task

Remote tasks use the File Channel as a source endpoint. You use the file created by the local task for this source. You can replicate the data to any endpoint that is supported by Qlik Replicate. You define the location of the File-Channel file as the remote location where the file was created. The data is pushed over the network to the defined location anywhere in your system. You can also define more than one location for the replicated data. In this case, define a separate remote task for each location.

Information note

For remote tasks configured with the File Channel source endpoint, you must enable Full Load replication and set the If target table already exists option in the task settings' Full Load Settings tab to Do Nothing.

Information note

The attrep_cdc_partitions Control Table is not supported when using File Channel as a source endpoint.

If you want to push the data to an endpoint that is not in your LAN, use the File Transfer Service to send the files created in the local task to the remote location.

When you run the remote task, data is sent to the target in the following instances:

  • The first time you run the task as a full load.
  • Each time changes are made to the file. In this case, change processing takes place.

When the remote task runs, it will continuously look for the source file until the task is stopped. When the file is found, the data is replicated to the target endpoint. If no source file is found, an error is displayed; however, the task will continue to check for the correct file. Therefore, it is recommended that you run the local task first to ensure that the file exists.

Information note

To replicate tables that were added to the local file channel task after the initial full load, you need to reload both the local and the remote file channel tasks.

For more information on setting up a remote task, see Using the File Channel as a source.

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