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Using the File Channel as a target

The File-Channel target endpoint is a Qlik Replicate endpoint that creates and maintains a file-based directory structure containing replication artifacts (task definitions, metadata, full load data, CDC data and status updates). This file channel directory structure is consumed by a corresponding File-Channel source endpoint in a different task and possibly in a remote location.

Setting general connection properties

This section describes how to configure general connection properties. For an explanation of how to configure advanced connection properties, see Setting advanced connection properties.

Information note
  • The Type is different depending on the type of file you are creating, however the information you enter is the same for all file types.

  • All files are used as targets, however you can use a Qlik Replicate file as a source only after you created the file by loading data into it as a target.

To add the File Channel target to Qlik Replicate:

  1. In the Qlik Replicate Console, click the Manage Endpoint Connections toolbar button to open the Manage Endpoints Connections dialog box. Then click the New Endpoint Connection button.
  2. In the Name field, type a name for your endpoint. This can be any name that will help to identify the endpoint being used.
  3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the information being replicated to the file. This is optional.
  4. Select Target as the endpoint role.

  5. Select File Channel as the endpoint Type.
  6. If you changed the default data folder during installation, type the full path to the Storage Folder (e.g. D:\data\tasks\) where the file is being created. Otherwise, you can leave this field empty. Note that this field will be ignored when the Transfer files to remote file channel option is enabled in the Advanced tab.

    Information note

    To determine if you are connected to the endpoint you want to use or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test Connection.

    If the connection is successful a message in green is displayed. If the connection fails, an error message is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

    To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The server log is displayed with the information for the connection failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test connection fails.

  7. Click OK to finish the setup and save the changes.

Setting advanced connection properties

You can set the following properties in the Advanced tab:

  • Max file size (KB): Click the arrows to select, or type the maximum file size (in kilobytes) allowed for the files created in the target.
  • Limit storage size to (MB): To allocate a specific amount of disk space to the File Channel files, enable this option and then specify the amount of disk space to set aside (using the arrows or by typing). When the limit is reached, Qlik Replicate will stop writing the files to the designated storage.
  • Max batching time interval (seconds): Click the arrows to select, or type the maximum time (in seconds) for files to be batched before being written in a single operation.
  • Transfer files to remote file channel: Select this check box to transfer files to the File Channel Source (on the remote Qlik Replicate Server) using the Qlik Replicate File Transfer Service. This can dramatically improve transfer speeds when the source endpoint and the target endpoint are located on different LANs. For more information about the Qlik Replicate File Transfer Service, see File Transfer Service.

    • Remote file transfer service host: The host name or IP address of the computer on which the Qlik Replicate File Transfer Service is running.
    • Remote file transfer service port: The port on the remote computer through which the files will be transferred (from the storage folder to the remote file channel).
    • Remote file transfer service endpoint name: The name of the File Channel Source endpoint on the remote machine.
    • Additional remote file channels: When sending to multiple File Channel Source endpoints, specify the target destinations using the following format:


    • Max transfer streams: The maximum number of streams to use when transferring the files. Adjust the number of streams as required to optimize transfer speeds.
    • Password: The password that will be used to establish a secure connection with the File Channel Source.
    Information note

    When using the File Transfer Service, an agreed upon password is required in order to establish a secure connection between the File Channel Source and the File Channel Target. Accordingly, the password specified in the File Channel Target settings and the password specified in the File Channel Source(s’) settings must be identical.

Internal parameters

Internal parameters are parameters that are not exposed in the UI. You should only use them if instructed by Qlik Support.

To add internal Qlik Replicate parameters:

  1. Click the Internal Parameters link.

    The Internal Parameters dialog box opens.

  2. In the edit box, type the name of the parameter you need to add and then click it.
  3. The parameter is added to the table below the search box with its default value.
  4. Change the default value as required.
  5. To reset the parameter value to its default, click the "Restore default value" icon at the end of the row.

Settings summary

You can view a summary of your settings by clicking the Setting Summary link. This is useful if you need to send a summary of your settings to Qlik Support.

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