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Recommended hardware configuration

This section describes the recommended hardware configurations for using Qlik Replicate. For information on the software requirements for using Qlik Replicate, see Installing Qlik Replicate.

The following table describes the recommended hardware configuration for installing Qlik Replicate on Windows and Linux operating systems. Note that the recommendations apply to mid-scale systems (i.e. hundreds of tasks) rather than large-scale systems (i.e. thousands of tasks).

Recommended hardware configurations
  Basic System Large System Extra-Large System Notes:


Quad core

Quad core base

Dual-core per task

8-core base

Quad core per task

Additional cores are useful in any of the following situations:

  • Many tasks running in parallel
  • Full-load performance priority
  • Multiple full-load processes running in parallel


8 GB

32 GB

64 GB

More memory is useful in any of the following situations:

  • Many tasks running in parallel
  • Long-running transactions on the source endpoint (for example, monthly batch processing)
  • Many active users on the source system

Disk requirements (SSD is recommended for optimal performance)

320 GB

500 GB


500 GB


A faster disk is useful in any of the following situations:

  • Using a file-based target.
  • Long-running source transactions that may not fit into memory
  • Using tasks that are set up to continue processing during target outage

A larger disk is required in any of the following situations:

  • Using tasks that are set up to continue processing during target outage
  • Very large source transactions that do not fit into memory

RAID is recommended for system recovery in case of disk failure for all configurations.


1 Gbps

10 Gbps

Two 10 Gbps


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