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Limitations and considerations

When replicating to a SingleStore target, the following limitations apply:

  • Due to the way SingleStore operates, when loading data to a SingleStore target during a Full Load task, duplicate key errors will not be reported to the logs.
  • Updating the Primary Key is not supported as the Primary Key columns in SingleStore also serve as the shard key.
  • When updating a column's value to its existing value, a zero rows affected is returned from SingleStore (unlike Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, for example, that perform an update of one row). This generates an entry in the attrep_apply_exceptions control table and the following warning:

    Some changes from the source database had no impact when applied to the target database. See attrep_apply_exceptions table for details.

  • Columnstore tables without a Primary Key or Unique Index are not supported.

  • UPDATEs to a source column's data type or size will not be captured when the Create columnstore tables option is enabled in the Advanced tab.

    Information note

    Such UPDATEs can be performed on the target using a global or table transformation.

  • Replicating data with 4-byte emoji characters is not supported.

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