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Setting general connection properties

This section describes how to configure general connection properties. For an explanation of how to configure advanced connection properties, see Setting advanced connection properties.

To add a Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics target to Qlik Replicate:

  1. In the Qlik Replicate Console, click Manage Endpoint Connections to open the Manage Endpoints Connections dialog box.
  2. In the Manage Endpoint Connections dialog box, click New Endpoint Connection.
  3. In the Name field, type a name for your Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Synapse Analytics [service]. This can be any name that will help to identify your Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics database.
  4. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics target database. This is optional.
  5. Select Target as the role.
  6. Select Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics as the Type.
  7. Configure the settings as described below.

Synapse ODBC Access

  • Server name: The name of the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics server you are using.
  • Authentication method: Select either SQL Authentication or Azure Active Directory Authentication as appropriate.

  • Port: The port number for connecting to Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics .
  • User name: The user name of a registered Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics user.
  • Password: The password for the user entered in the User name field.
  • Database name: The target database name.

    If you do not have these values, contact the Microsoft Azure account owner or your company’s Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics System Administrator.

Staging on Azure

In the Staging on Azure section, from the Storage type drop-down list, select either Microsoft Azure Blob Storage or Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2 according to your storage type.

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Information note

The Blob storage option is not supported when Qlik Replicate is running on Linux.

  • Azure Storage account name: The name of an account with write permissions to the container.

    Information note

    To connect to an Azure resource on Government Cloud or China Cloud, you need to specify the full resource name of the storage account. For example, assuming the storage account is MyBlobStorage, then the resource name for China cloud would be MyBlobStorage.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn


    For information on setting internal parameters, see Setting advanced connection properties

  • Container name: The container name.

    Information note

    Container names must comply with the Microsoft guidelines. For more information, see the Microsoft Help on this subject.

  • Access key: The account access key.
  • Staging folder: The folder in which to create the data files on Blob storage.

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2

  • Storage account field, specify the name of your storage account.

    Information note

    To connect to an Azure resource on Government Cloud or China Cloud, you need to specify the full resource name of the storage account. For example, assuming the storage account is "myaccount", then the resource name for China Cloud would be myaccount.dfs.core.chinacloudapi.cn

    In addition, you also need to specify the login URL using the adlsLoginUrl internal parameter. For China Cloud, this would be https://login.chinacloudapi.cn


    For information on setting internal parameters, see Setting advanced connection properties

  • Container: The container containing your folders and files.
  • Azure Active Directory Tenant ID: The Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
  • Application Registration Client ID: The application registration client ID.
  • Application Registration Secret: The application registration secret.
  • Staging folder: The folder in which to create data files on ADLS.

Data Loading

  • Load data using: Select PolyBase (Default) or Copy Statement according to the method you want Replicate to use to load your data into the target tables. Generally speaking, Copy Statement should provide better performance, but this might vary between specific environments.

    Information note
    • With the COPY Statement load method, Synapse uses its Managed Identity to access the storage account. This requires the Synapse identity to be granted the "Storage Blob Data Contributor" permission on the storage account.
    • When PolyBase is selected as the Load data using method, the characters \r and \n in the data are replaced with a space. For new line support, you must select COPY Statement as the Load data using method.
  • When the data is loaded using PolyBase, Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics authenticates itself to the external data source using an SQL Server Credential. You can either configure Replicate to create the credential automatically during runtime (the default) or use an existing credential. If you selected PolyBase, select one of the following Create SQL Server credential options:

    • Automatically: Specify your Access key.

    • Use existing credential: Specify an existing Credential name.

  • Max file size (MB): Relevant for Full Load and CDC. The maximum size a file can reach before it is loaded/applied to the target. If you encounter performance issues, try adjusting this parameter.

    Information noteWhen using compression, the actual file size will be smaller.
  • Compress files before upload: Compressing files might improve loading performance in certain environments, although it will also consume greater resources. Select this option to compress files before loading.
  • Number of files to apply in a batch: Relevant for Full Load only. The number of files to apply in a single batch. If you encounter performance issues, try adjusting this parameter.
  • Batch load timeout (seconds): If you encounter frequent timeouts when loading the files, try increasing this value.

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