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The following limitations apply when Change Processing is enabled for the Teradata Database source:

  • The "Start from timestamp" run option is not supported. For more information, see Advanced Run Options.
  • If one of the Context columns is part of the Primary Key or Unique Index, then UPDATE and DELETE operations are not supported.
  • Context columns cannot be LOB columns
  • DDLs are not supported
  • When inserting a record and then updating the same record, the task error handling settings should be set as follows:

    1. Open the <Task Name> Settings dialog box.
    2. Select the Error Handling|Apply Conflicts tab.
    3. Set a task-specific Apply Conflicts policy as described in Error Handling settings.
    4. From the No record found for applying an update drop-down list, select INSERT the missing target record.

    For more information on error handling, see Error handling.

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