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The following describes the prerequisites necessary to prepare your environment to work with Qlik Replicate and Teradata Database.

Information note

Teradata Database must be installed in your network and be reachable from the computer where Qlik Replicate is installed.

Replicate server for Windows

You must install the following components on the Qlik Replicate Server machine:

Replicate server for Linux

The following section describes the steps you need to perform to work with Qlik Replicate for Linux and Teradata Database as a target database in a Replicate task. Teradata Database Client requires the DataDirect ODBC driver manager (provided with Teradata Database Client).

Information note

A Replicate task cannot be defined with endpoints that use different ODBC Driver Managers. Teradata Database target is accessed using the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager. With the exception of Oracle, Hadoop, File and Replicate Connect sources (which are not subject to the above limitation), all other source endpoints use the unixODBC Driver Manager.

To configure a task with a unixODBC source and a DataDirect target (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server to Teradata Database Target), you need to use the Replicate File Channel. For more information about setting up a task using the File Channel, see Using the Qlik Replicate file channel.

  1. Stop the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has stopped as described in Replicate server procedures.

  2. Install the following Teradata client components:

  3. Open the Teradata odbcinst.ini file:

    cat $TD_CLIENT_DIR/odbc_64/odbcinst.ini

    Then verify that it contains a definition for the Teradata ODBC client:






  4. Check that directory /usr/lib64 contains symbolic links to the DataDirect driver manager shared libraries:

    ll /usr/lib64/libodbc*.so

    The output should look like this:

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Oct 28 14:58 /usr/lib64/libodbcinst.so ->


    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Oct 28 14:58 /usr/lib64/libodbc.so ->


  5. Add the Teradata Database name to the hosts file as described in Editing the hosts file.

  6. Run the following commands:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TD_CLIENT:/opt/attunity/replicate/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64

    export ODBCINI=/opt/teradata/client/17.20/odbc_64/odbc.ini

    export AREP_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER=/opt/teradata/client/17.20/odbc_64/lib/libodbc.so

  7. Start the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has started as described in Replicate server procedures.

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