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Limitations and considerations

When defining a task with an IBM DB2 for z/OS target endpoint, the following limitations apply:

  • When replicating from an IBM DB2 for z/OS source, data type homogeneity will not be preserved.
  • The Explicit schema option in the endpoint settings' Advanced tab is not supported in the following cases:
    • Source endpoints that do not have schemas (for example, Salesforce and File).
    • The Allow unlimited LOB size task setting is enabled.
    • The Limit LOB size to value in the task settings' Target Metadata tab is 16 KB or greater, and the Change Processing Mode in the task settings' Change Processing Tuning tab is set to Transactional apply.
  • The replicated table row size must not exceed the size limit of the target table space. This also applies to internal tables created by Replicate, such as the Net Changes table, which is required for Batched Optimized Apply mode.

    Information noteWhen both the Load data using ZLOAD option in the endpoint settings' Advanced tab and the Limit LOB size to option in the task settings' Target Metadata tab are enabled, the allowed row size includes LOB columns. When the Load data using ZLOAD option is disabled, the row size does not include LOB columns.
  • When replicating tables with BLOB columns in Batch optimized apply mode, the Limit LOB size to value in the task settings' Target Metadata tab must not exceed 16 KB. If it does, the updated BLOB will be truncated to 16 KB when capturing changes.
  • To replicate tables with column names that contain non-English letters, set the following internal parameter to false: ignoreTargetExtraColumns

    Information noteReplication of column names with non-English letters is not supported for tables with LOB columns.
  • Null values that are replicated into non-nullable columns are not handled properly when the Load data using ZLOAD option in the endpoint settings' Advanced tab is enabled. In such cases, you can define a transformation on non-nullable columns, as in the following example:

    ifnull($c, "")

    This transformation sets an empty value in non-nullable column 'c' when the data is null.

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