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The following section describes the prerequisites for working with Qlik Replicate and the IBM DB2 for z/OS target endpoint.

Both the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI driver and the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ driver need to be installed on the Replicate machine. When installing on Linux, you can choose between installing the full ODBC client package or installing just the data server client.

IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI driver setup

Supported drivers

Replicate supports driver versions 11.5.6 and 11.5.8 only. The setup instructions are for version 11.5.8.

Replicate on Windows

  1. Download the IBM Data Server Client 11.5.8 (v11.5.8_ntx64_client.exe) from IBM Fix Central.
  2. Install it on the Qlik Replicate Server machine.

Replicate on Linux

When installing on Linux, you can choose between installing the full ODBC client package or installing just the data server client.

Linux ODBC client package

If you prefer, you can install the data server client only as described in Linux data server client below.

  1. Download the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI 11.5.8 (v11.5.8_linuxx64_server_dec.tar.gz) from IBM Fix Central.

  2. Stop the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has stopped as described in Replicate server procedures.

  3. Install v11.5.8_linuxx64_server_dec.tar.gz and choose the “CLIENT” option.
  4. If the Replicate machine does not have a DB2 instance, create a DB2 instance by running the following commands:

    adduser <db2_instance_name>

    /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/instance/db2icrt <db2_instance_name>

  5. Change the working directory to <Replicate_Install_Dir>/bin.

  6. Add the DB2 driver location to the Linux library path.

    To do this, add the following line to the site_ arep_login.sh file as follows:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/lib

    where path is the CLIENT path to the driver.

    Example (with db2clnt1 as the instance name):

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/db2clnt1/sqllib/lib:/home/db2clnt1/sqllib/lib64/gskit

    export DB2INSTANCE=db2clnt1

  7. Optionally, confirm that the driver location was copied:

    cat site_arep_login.sh
  8. Add the following entry to the odbcinst.ini file under /etc:


    Driver = /home/db2clnt1/sqllib/lib/libdb2o.so



  9. Start the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has started as described in Replicate server procedures.

Linux data server client

  1. Download v11.5.8_linuxx64_client.tar.gz from IBM Fix Central and extract the files.

  2. Stop the Replicate service:

    ./areplicate stop

  3. Optionally, confirm that the service has stopped:

    ./areplicate status

  4. Change the working directory to /opt/client and run db2_install.
  5. Create an RSP file (see Sample RSP file below) and then run the following command (from /opt/client):

    ./db2setup -r /file-path/client.rsp

  6. Add the following entry to the odbcinst.ini file under /etc:


    Driver = /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/lib64/libdb2o.so



  7. Start the Replicate service:

    ./areplicate start

  8. Optionally, confirm that the service has started:

    ./areplicate status

* Generated response file used by the DB2 Setup wizard
* generation time: 2/18/22 4:10 PM
*  Product Installation
FILE       = /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5
* ----------------------------------------------
*  Instance properties
* ----------------------------------------------
INSTANCE       = inst1
inst1.TYPE       = client
*  Instance-owning user
inst1.NAME       = qlik
inst1.UID       = 1000
inst1.GROUP_NAME       = qlik
inst1.HOME_DIRECTORY       = /home/qlik
inst1.AUTOSTART       = NO
*  Installed Languages
LANG       = EN

IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ driver setup

You need to install JDBC driver 4.31.10 on the Replicate machine. The driver is part of Db2 Version 11.5 Mod 8 Fix Pack 0.

Supported drivers

Replicate supports driver versions 11.5.6 and 11.5.8 only. The setup instructions are for version 11.5.8.

Replicate on Windows

  1. Download v11.5.8_jdbc_sqlj.tar.gz from Fix Central on the IBM web site.

  2. Extract the contents and copy the db2jcc4.jar file to <REPLICATE-INSTALL-DIR>\java

    The default location is C:\Program Files\Attunity\Replicate\java.

Replicate on Linux

  1. Download v11.5.8_jdbc_sqlj.tar.gz from Fix Central on the IBM web site.

  2. Extract the contents and copy the db2jcc4.jar file to <REPLICATE-INSTALL-DIR>/java.

    The default location is /opt/attunity/replicate/java.

Application compatibility

The APPLCOMPAT bind option must be set to V12R1.

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