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Qlik Application Automation for OEM platform limits

This page describes platform limits for following environments:

  • Qlik Cloud
  • OEM environment: stand-alone environment for OEM SaaS Companies (hosted under the Qlik Application Automation for OEM domain)

Platform limits.

Metric Limit Notes
Min/Max interval for a schedule Min: 30 seconds interval
Max: 30 day interval
Max. payload size (POST to Automation) 64 KB -
Max. incoming triggers Max. 300/minute per customer tenant rate limit.
Max. 200 in queue.
See rate limit response headers.
Response code 429 if rate limit exceeded.
Response code 400 if queue is full.
Max. payload size (POST to Automation) 64 KB -
Max. incoming events Max. 20/second rate limit.
Max. 1000 in queue.
Max. number of jobs per month Depends on license, e.g. 1 million jobs per month. -
Max. number of concurrent jobs Normal Automations:
1 job per Automation, 5 jobs per tenant (default, actual limit per tenant depends on license).

Realtime Automations and Webhooks:
10 jobs per Automation
Maximum number of jobs that run at the same time. If the limit is reached: new jobs will be queued, for Realtime Automations API calls will fail with response code 429.
Max. job duration See table below Depends on execution context
Max. memory consumption of an Automation 256 MB Automations use iterators to process large amounts of data (e.g. millions of records). The memory limit is not reached in normal circumstances.
Failed job alert emails Max. 5/day per Automation Sent to Admin users of the tenant.
API call timeout 60 seconds Note that paging is used. This limit applies to a single outbound API call.
Call URL block timeout User configurable (e.g. 600 seconds) Max. timeout is defined by max. Automation execution time.
Custom code block max. execution time 3600 seconds -
Max. number of job logs 5000 per Automation
Max. 500MB per Automation
Oldest jobs will be deleted if limits are exceeded.
Job log retention Qlik Cloud: 30 days
OEM environment: 90 days (default)
Customisable on OEM environment, not on Qlik Cloud.
Realtime Automations No job logs Realtime Automations do not have job logs.
Max. size of one job log 100MB Job log will be truncated if larger
Max. size of the state of one Block in a job log 1MB per block execution
5MB per block in total (across all executions of the block in the job)

Max. 200 items are stored for a list.
State will be truncated if larger
API - -
Maximum API calls 300 calls/minute rate limit per tenant This includes calls to the SaaS API, executing Triggered Automations via their API URL etc.
Custom code Supported languages: PHP, JS, Python Package/library install or import not supported.
Variable blocks Variables are stored in memory (see Automation memory limit) To persist data or to process large amounts of data:
Qlik Cloud: use a database or cloud storage
OEM environment: use Data Store or CDP
List blocks (Filter list, compare list) Full list loaded in memory (see Automation memory limit) Use loops to process large lists, loops use iterators and avoid loading all items in memory at once.
Maximum records CDP:
400K records per tenant
(sum of all tables)

Data Store:
400K records per tenant
(sum of all Data Stores)
CDP and Data Store are available on the OEM environment, not on Qlik Cloud.
Available connectors Qlik Cloud: 30+ connectors
OEM environment: 500+ connectors

Maximum Automation job duration (execution time)

Execution times.

Automation execution context Max. execution time
Manual (Run button in editor & Test runs) Qlik Cloud: 1 hour
OEM environment: 48 hours
Run button on Automation detail page (outside of Automation editor) Qlik Cloud: 1 hour
OEM environment: 48 hours
Triggered Automation (via API URL) Non-Realtime (default):
Async=false: 1 minute
Async=true: 1 hour on Qlik Cloud, 48 hours on OEM environment

Real-time (never Async):
1 minute
SaaS API Same as above
Webhooks 15 minutes
Schedule Qlik Cloud: 1 hour
OEM environment: 48 hours
Settings, Setup, Delete flows in Templates OEM environment: 48 hours (OEM features not available on Qlik Cloud)

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