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Dynamic Field Mapping in a Template

When you build automations (integrations) inQlik Application Automation for OEM, you apply field mappings all the time. Here's a typical example where you map outputs from one block to inputs of another block:

Mapping outputs to inputs.

an automation consisting of a Start block and a Get Attendees From Event block containing a Create Contact block in its loop. The Create Contact block is selected. It fills in its Firstname, Lastname, and Email fields with data from the Get Attendees From Event block.

These are static field mappings because they cannot be changed by an end-user that would activate this integration from a template.

Therefore, it is possible to add a dynamic Field Mapping in the Setup Wizard of an integration template. This means that the user will be able to configure their own Field Mapping, and this Field Mapping will be used in the actual data sync in the Blend.

Click here for more information on How to create integration Templates how to create Templates and how to create a Setup Wizard for a template.

Dynamic Field Mapping in a Setup Wizard of a Template

When you add a dynamic field mapping in a Setup flow of a Template, this is what it looks like for the user:

User's view of dynamic field mapping.

Three Eventbrite fields and three Teamleader fields. The Eventbrite fields are filled in as first_name, last_name, and email, and are each linked to an empty Teamleader field.

The user can choose which fields from an input (in this example Eventbrite Attendees) are mapped to which fields of output (in this example Teamleader Contacts).

How to add a Dynamic Field Mapping

Add an input block to the Setup Flow, and add input of type Field Mapping:

Adding a dynamic field mapping.

an automation consisting of a Start block, a List Custom Fields block, and an Input block. The Input block is selected. Input Type is set to Field Mapping.

Add a list of possible field names (keys) for the left-hand side and right-hand side:

Adding field names.

List of possible keys left is set to first_name,last_name,email. List of possible keys right is set to List Custom Fields (... Label. Uniqueness keys left is set to items can be added multiple times. Uniqueness keys right is set to items can be added only once.

The list of available keys can be a fixed list, which can be comma-separated or it can be an actual list/array.

The list of available keys can also be a dynamic list, such as in the above example for the keys on the right-hand side. Note that we first retrieved the list of custom fields in the Setup Flow (Block Teamleader List custom fields), and then we use the response in the Input block.

Make sure that the dynamic list only contains strings and not objects.

Allowed format for list:

[ "firstname", "lastname", "company" ]

Not allowed format for list:

[ {"fieldname":"firstname"}, {"fieldname":"lastname"}, {"fieldname":"company"} ]

Make sure to persist all inputs in the Setup Flow:

Persisting user inputs.

The Settings tab. Persist user input is set to yes.

You can optionally define a default mapping, the default mapping should have the following format:

  {"from":{"key":"company"}, "to":{"key":"company_name"}},
  {"from":{"key":"website"}, "to":{"key":"web"}}

How to apply the Dynamic Field Mapping in an automation

In the normal Run flow of the automation (under the Start Block), use a Block called Transform object, which will apply the field mapping of the Setup Flow:

Applying dynamic field mapping.

an automation consisting of a Start block and a Get Attendees From Event block containing a Variable block, a Transform Object block, and a Create Contact block. The Transform Object block is selected. Input object is set to Attendee, and Field mapping is set to Inputs > Please Map...

Warning note

This block will be renamed to Apply field mapping to object in the future.

This block takes as input one Object (in this example an Eventbrite Attendee) and it will have a new object as output. The new object will have the keys as defined in the Field Mapping on the right-hand side.

In the above example, the Attendee object has nested properties and the block Transform object cannot handle those. Therefore, we created a Variable of type Object and we used this to create a new Attendee object without nested properties:

Creating a new object.

A Variable: attendee block. The variable is an object.

Example object with nested properties:

      { "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe" }

Example of new object without nested properties:

  "firstname": "John",
  "lastname": "Doe"

The output from the block Transform Object is used to send data to the destination, in this case, the block Teamleader Create Contact:

Here's an example of mapping individual fields:

Mapping individual fields.

A Create Contact block. The Input Lastname is set to Transform Object > name.

Here's an example of mapping all fields at once, typically used to set e.g. custom fields:

Mapping all fields.

A Create Contact block. Custom Fields is set to Transform Object. The gear dropdown is open and set to Raw.

Note that we switched to Raw mode first, and then we referenced the full object from Transform Object, which is an object with key/values (not nested) and each key is a field name as configured in the Field Mapping on the right hand side.

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