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Managing data spaces

To manage a data space, you must be a tenant admin, a data admin, or the space owner. Members of the data space who have the Can manage role can also manage the space.

Information noteWhen you create a data space, you are automatically assigned the Is owner role. See Data space roles and permissions for details about roles and permissions.
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Creating a data space

If you are a tenant admin or data admin, you can create a data space:

  • From the Administration activity center in Spaces.

  • From the Qlik Talend Data Integration home.

    If you are a non-admin user with data space creator role, you can create data spaces from the Qlik Talend Data Integration Home.

Managing data spaces

You can manage a data space in Data Integration home by selecting the space in the filter at the top of Projects or Connections, and then clicking Space details.

To make any changes in the space you must be either of:

  • Tenant admin

  • Data admin

  • Owner of the data space

  • Member of the data space with the Can manage role

The following options are available:

  • Rename

    You can rename the data space or change the description.

  • Details

    You can view details of the data space and edit members and connections.

  • Members

    When a data space is first created, only the user who creates the space is a member of the space. To allow other users access to the data space and resources inside the space, add members to the space and assign them roles that give them permissions on the space and resources in the space.

  • Connections

    You can view and edit connections that are created in the data space.

    Managing data connections for administrators

  • Gateway agents

    You can view Data Movement gateways created in the data space.

    Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement

  • Notifications

    You can view and edit settings for notifications for the space.

    Setting notifications for a data space

  • Delete

    You can delete the data space.

Tip noteYou can also manage data spaces in the Spaces section of Administration.

Adding members to data spaces

You can add and remove data space members, and you can change or remove their roles.

If groups are allowed in the tenant, you can add groups of members to your space. If a space member has individual permissions and group permissions in a space, the highest permission level is applied. User groups are created in the identity provider.

Do the following:

  1. In the space, click Space details and select Members.

  2. Click Add members.

  3. Search for users or groups by name and select the members you want to add to the space.

  4. Select permissions for the new members and click Add.

You can also add all users as members to a space to easily share content with everyone in the tenant. For example, if you have resources that should be generally available, you can store them in a space that anyone has access to.

Do the following:

  1. In the space, click Space details and select Members.

  2. Click Add members.

  3. Select permissions in the dropdown list next to Anyone at <your tenant name>.

  4. Click Done.

Changing a data space owner

Only the tenant admin and the data admin can change the space owner. This can only be done fromAdministration.

  1. From the Spaces section of Administration, click Change owner.

  2. In the Change owner window, search for a user by name, email, subject, or user ID.

  3. Click Apply.

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