Qlik Application Automation limitations
This page describes platform limitations for Qlik Application Automation.
General limitations
The following limitations apply to all automations.
Screen width
The recommended minimum width for working with Qlik Application Automation is 640px.
Special characters
The formula parser cannot process curly brackets { } within a string. If your data contains this type of bracket, use the Custom code block to remove them.
Automation executions (runs)
Platform limitations for automation executions
Metric | Limitation | Notes |
Maximum runs per month | Determined by Qlik license |
For detailed information about your license metrics, see the Qlik Cloud® Subscriptions product description. Administrators can view license information and monitor the number of automation runs in Administration. For more information, see Monitoring resource consumption. |
Maximum number of concurrent runs | 1 run per automation 10 runs or more per tenant, as determined by your organization's Qlik Cloud license. |
When concurrent limits are reached, new runs are queued. After 14 days, automations that are still in the queue are marked as failed.
Maximum run duration | Determined by block limitations | - |
Maximum memory consumption during run | 256 MB | Memory limitation mostly affected only when processing very large data sets. |
API call timeout | 55 seconds | API pagination is used to reduce API query timeout. |
Call URL timeout | Configured by the user | Configured on the block with the Max automation execution time setting. |
Custom code block maximum execution time | 3,600 seconds | Because the custom code block is optimized for security, it cannot access the internet, leverage third-party modules and packages, or make direct external calls. Since version upgrades may occasionally break customer code we recommend using native blocks and functions where possible. |
Maximum API calls | Rate limit of 300 calls per minute | API calls include triggered automations. |
Automation execution time
Platform limitations for automation execution time
Metric | Limitation | Notes |
Maximum execution time for manual automation runs | 4 hours | This includes manual executions that are started as test runs, either from the automation editor or from the automation overview page. |
Maximum execution time for triggered automation runs | 55 seconds (async = false) 4 hours (async = true) |
- |
Maximum execution times for webhooks | 15 minutes | - |
Maximum execution time for scheduled automations | 4 hours | - |
Automation history
Platform limitations for automation history
Metric | Limitation | Notes |
Maximum number of automation logs | 5000 per automation 500 MB per automation |
Oldest logs are deleted when limits reached. |
Automation history retention | 30 days | - |
Maximum size for each run log | 100 MB | Log is truncated if limit exceeded. |
Maximum size of state for each run log | 1 MB per block 5 MB per block across all block executions Maximum 200 list items. |
State is truncated if limit exceeded. |
Automation blocks
Platform limitations for specific automation blocks
Metric | Limitation | Notes |
Custom code block | Python, JavaScript, and PHP supported | The custom code block does not support including libraries. See Custom code block for more information. |
Variable block | Variables stored in memory | To persist data or process large datasets, use a database or cloud storage. |
List blocks | Full list loaded in memory | Use loops to process large lists. Use iterators to avoid loading everything into memory. |
Qlik Reporting blocks | Limitations are imposed by the Reporting Service API | Qlik APIs |
Per-user limitations
Platform limitations per user
Metric | Limitation |
Maximum number of automations per user | 250 |
Maximum number of templates per user | 100 |
Additional Limitations
In addition to the limitations listed above, the following limitations apply to specific types of automations.
Scheduled automations
Platform limitations for scheduled automations
Metric | Limitation |
Minimum schedule interval | 30 seconds |
Maximum schedule interval | 30 days |
Triggered automations
Platform limitations for triggered automations
Metric | Limitation | Notes |
Maximum payload sizePOST to the automation |
32 KB | - |
Maximum incoming triggers | Maximum rate limit 300 triggers per second Maximum 200 queued triggers |
Response code 429 = rate limit exceededResponse code 400 = queue is full |
Native webhook automations
Platform limitations for native webhook automations
Metric | Limitation |
Maximum payload sizePOST to the automation |
32 KB |
Maximum incoming events | Maximum rate limit 20 events per second Maximum 1,000 queued events |