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Project settings

You can modify the project settings according to your needs.

To open the project settings window

  1. Open your project as described in Managing and monitoring projects.
  2. Click the downward arrow to the right of the project name and select Settings from the drop-down menu.

    The Settings window opens.

    The project settings window is divided into the following tabs:

General tab

In this tab, the following settings are available:

Project details

Read-only information about the project deployment type, storage type, and compute type (which were all set in the project setup wizard).


  • Generate DDL scripts but do not run them: By default, Compose executes the CREATE, ADJUST and DROP statements immediately upon user request. When you select this option, Compose will only generate the scripts but not execute them. This allows you to review and edit the scripts before they are executed.

    For example, if you want to apply custom sorting or special formatting, you will need to edit the CREATE statement accordingly.

    Note that if you select this option, you will need to copy the scripts to your Storage Zone and run them manually. You can view, copy and download the DDL scripts as described in Viewing and downloading DDL scripts.

    Information note

    When this option is selected, you need to do the following to see the results:

    • After running the scripts, clear the metadata cache as described in Clearing the metadata cache.
    • When this option is selected, you need to press [F5] (i.e. refresh the page) in order for the web console to display the updated list of tables. This can be done either before running the scripts (recommended) or after running the scripts. Note that until you refresh the browser, the information in the web console will only be partially updated.
  • Ignore Mapping Data Type Validation: By default, Compose issues a validation error when a landing table is mapped to a staging table with a different data type. You can select this option to allow the mapping of different data types. Note that you should only select this option if you need to map landing table data types to compatible (though not identical) staging table data types.
  • Do not display the default workflows in the monitor: Select this option if you want to prevent the default workflows from being executed.

Default data store type for new entities

Choose one of the following:

  • Operational Data Store - This will create an ODS from the source data.
  • Operational and Historical Data Store - This will create an ODS from the source data while maintaining previous versions of updated records.

Deleted records in ODS (Operational Data Store) views

You can choose to exclude/include records marked as deleted from/in the ODS views.

  • Exclude the corresponding record from the ODS views - This is the default option as records marked as deleted should not usually be included in ODS views.
  • Include the corresponding record in the ODS views - Although not common, in some cases, you might want include records marked as deleted in the ODS views in order to analyze the number of deleted records and investigate the reason for their deletion. Also, regulatory compliance might require you to be able to retrieve the past record status (which requires change history as well).


  • Lowest Date - The value of the "From Date" column when no other value is available.
  • Highest Date - The value of the "To Date" column when no other value is available.

For a description of the "From Date" and "To Date" columns, see Naming tab below.

Naming tab

In this tab, you can change the default column, prefix, and suffix names.

Information note

If you change the prefix or suffix of existing tables (e.g. data warehouse tables), you need to drop and create the data warehouse and data mart tables.

Name management options
Name Description
Suffix for exposed views database The suffix used to identify the database used for exposed views.
Suffix for internal views database The suffix used to identify the database used for internal views.

Suffix for Replicate Change Tables

The suffix used to identify Replicate Change Tables in the landing zone of the Storage Zone.

Prefix for storage tables The prefix to add to table names in the Storage Zone. Changing this after the Storage Zone tables have already been created requires you drop and recreate your Storage Zone tables.
Prefix for all storage view types

The prefix to add to view names in the Storage Zone. Changing this after the Storage Zone tables have already been created requires you drop and recreate your Storage Zone tables.

For more information on storage view types, see Working with views.

Suffix for ODS standard views

The suffix used to identify ODS standard views.

For more information on storage view types, see Working with views.

Suffix for ODS Live Views

The suffix used to identify ODS live views.

For more information on storage view types, see Working with views.

Suffix for HDS standard views

The suffix used to identify HDS standard views.

For more information on storage view types, see Working with views.

Suffix for HDS Live Views

The suffix used to identify HDS live views.

For more information on storage view types, see Working with views.

"From Date" column name

The name of the "From Date" column. This column is added to tables that contain attributes (columns) with history. The column is used to delimit the range of dates for a given record version.

Information note
  • This name cannot be used in other columns.

  • NULL values are not allowed in this column. If the source "From Date" column contains NULLs, an expression should be created to convert them to non-null values.

"To Date" column name

The name of the "To Date" column. This column is added to tables that contain attributes (columns) with history. The column is used to delimit the range of dates for a given record version.

This name cannot be used in other columns.

Environment tab

In this tab, you can specify information about your environment that will be displayed as a banner at the top of the window when you open the project.

Provide the following information and then click OK to save your settings.

  • Environment type: Select one of the following types according to your environment type: Development, Test, Acceptance, Production, Other. This information will not be displayed in the banner.
  • Environment title: Specify a title for your environment. The title will be displayed in the banner at the top of the console.

  • Project title: Specify a title for your project. The project title will be shown in the console banner. If both an Environment Title and a Project Title are defined, the project title will be displayed to the right of the environment title.

    Information note
    • The Project title option requires Compose August 2021 Patch Release 12 or later.
    • When a project is deployed to a new environment, the environment title and environment type in the new environment will not be overridden.

    The following image shows the banner with both an Environment title and a Project title:


    Bannner with project title and environment title

    Tip noteThe banner text is shown without the Environment title and Project title labels. This provides greater flexibility as it allows you add any banner text you like, regardless of the actual label name. For example, specifying Project owner: Mike Smith in the Project title field, will display that text in the banner.

Creating or Dropping Storage Tables

Limit the number of database connections to: The higher the number of database connections, the more storage tables Compose will be able to create or drop in parallel. While increasing the default should improve performance, it may also impact other database applications. It is therefore not recommended to increase the default unless you encounter performance issues.

Information note

As environments are project-specific, the environment information can be imported to a new project, but cannot be imported to an existing project.

Task recovery

You can set SQL state classes and error codes, on the occurrence of which, a task will be retried.

You can set the following parameters:

  • Maximum retry count: The number of times to retry a task before exiting with failure. Increasing the number of retries will impact system resources. Therefore, only increase the default value if you expect tasks to recover after the default number of retries.

  • Interval between retry attempts (sec): The time to wait between retry attempts. Increasing the interval will consume more system resources. Therefore, only increase the default value if it is critical that the task recover as soon as possible.

  • Retry on these SQL state classes: The default is 08 (connection exceptions). You can add additional classes as desired. Classes should be separated with a comma.


    Example: 08,22,2F


  • Retry also on these error codes: The default is 1205 (which occurs when a table is locked by another process). You can add additional error codes as desired. Error codes should be separated with a comma.


    Example: 1205,2020,233

Limitations and considerations:

  • Schema evolution retries are not supported.
  • ODBC statements comprise a small part of the task execution sequence. However, as the task retry mechanism is JDBC-based, ODBC statements will not be retried even if the specified SQL state/error code is encountered.

Task and Workflow Information Retention

You can set the maximum number of runs to keep task and workflow logs and messages. The default is 100. Task information includes logs, the number of inserted/updated rows per table, errors, and various other runtime messages. If you find that the number of accumulated logs and messages is degrading performance, reducing this value might help.

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