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Managing and monitoring projects

The table below describes the available project management options.

Information note

Project management actions are performed in the main Compose window. To switch from a specific project to the main window, click the downward arrow to the right of the project name and then select All Projects from the drop-down menu.

Project management procedures
To Do this

Edit a project

Any of the following:

  • Double-click the project.
  • Right-click the project and select Designer.
  • Select the project and then click the Open toolbar button.
Monitor a project

Any of the following:

  • Right-click the project and select Monitor.
  • Double-click the project and select the Monitor tab on the right of the console.
Create a deployment package

Any of the following:

  • Right-click the project and select Create Deployment Package.
  • Select the project and then select Create Deployment Package from the Deployment toolbar menu.

See also: Project deployment (Data Warehouse projects) and Project deployment (Data Lake projects).

Delete a project

Any of the following:

  • Right-click the project and select Delete.
  • Select the project and then click the Delete toolbar button.
View or change user permissions

Right-click the project and select User Permissions.

Information note

Relevant for Data Warehouse projects only.

See also: User permissions.

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