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Call this method to override the source endpoint settings with settings from another endpoint of the same type. This method also supports automatically stopping and then resuming all tasks that are using the source endpoint (which is required for unplanned switchovers).

Information note
  • Supported with the Oracle source endpoint only.
  • Using this method, requires you to set up relevant Qlik Replicate task(s) with three separate source endpoints - two inactive source endpoints defined with the primary and secondary database connection settings, and one active source endpoint (initially defined with the primary database connection settings).

    For detailed instructions, see Reconfiguring endpoints.

Required User Role: See Required Enterprise Manager permissions.


public void ReconfigureEndpointNoWait(

string server,

string endpoint,

string configuration = null,

bool recycle = true



Parameter Type Description



The name of the Replicate server (as defined in Qlik Enterprise Manager) on which the task(s) are running.



The name of the source endpoint defined for the Replicate task(s).



The name of the secondary endpoint (or the primary endpoint when reverting the settings).



Whether to stop and resume the Replicate task(s) automatically. The default is "true", that is, when an unanticipated switchover occurs, tasks using the source endpoint will be automatically stopped and then resumed after the source endpoint is updated with the settings from the secondary endpoint.

Set to "false" for planned switchovers (such as migrating to a production database or switching back to the primary database).

Return values



All of the general errors as well as the errors listed in the table below.

Error responses
Error Message Description


Replicate endpoint "{endpoint}" on server "{server}" could not be found.

The specified endpoint could not be found.


Failed to reconfigure endpoint "{endpoint}" on server "{server}". Error: "{message}"

Qlik Enterprise Manager failed to reconfigure the endpoint with the settings of the secondary endpoint.

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