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Replication Management license

This section explains how to obtain a Replication Management license and lists the processes that continue even when the license expires or is invalid.

Obtaining a Replication Management license

A Replication Management license is required in order to use Qlik Enterprise Manager. If no license is detected, a Register License message will be displayed when you open the Qlik Enterprise Manager Console.

Information note

The procedure below does not apply when installing Enterprise Manager in a High Availability Cluster. To obtain a Replication Management license for Enterprise Manager in a High Availability Cluster, you must provide your Qlik Sales Representative with the following information, depending on which Windows version the cluster is running:

  • Windows Server 2016: The official cluster FQDN.

  • Windows Server 2012 R2: The FQDN of each of the cluster nodes and the official cluster FQDN.

To obtain a license

  1. Open the Qlik Enterprise Manager Console and copy the Enterprise Manager machine name from either of the following locations:

    • The Register License message that is displayed when you open the Qlik Enterprise Manager Console.
    • The bottom of the Licenses tab in the Settings window.
  1. Request a license from your Qlik Sales Representative, making sure to include the Enterprise Manager machine name in your request.

Process that continue if the license expires or is invalid

The following processes will continue, even if the Replication Management license expires or is invalid:

  • Notifications will continue to be sent.
  • Tasks monitoring information and messages will continue to be collected from Replicate. However, they will not be visible until a valid Replication Management license is installed.

In such a situation, do one of the following:

  • Register a valid Replication Management license.
  • Stop the Enterprise Manager service or uninstall the product if you do not intend to use it anymore.


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