Task progress summary
The Tasks View displays a list of tasks in tabular format in the middle pane.
For each task, Enterprise Manager can display the following columns:
General columns
State: The current state of a task. Possible states are described in the table below.
You can filter the table by state by selecting or clearing the respective check box in the States pane above the table.
Task states Task State Icon Description Running
The task is running.
Information noteA spinning circle icon will be shown when the task is in a "Starting" state.
The task has not been run yet or when the task has stopped at some point during the replication.
Information noteA spinning circle icon will be shown when the task is in a "Stopping" state.
The task has stopped due to a fatal error.
The task is recovering from a recoverable error.
- Server: The name of the server
- Task: The name of the task
- Stage: The current stage of the task: Loading or Change Processing.
- Tables with Error: The number of tables with error.
Not displayed by default:
- Reason: An explanation for the current state
- Description: A description of the task, as entered by the user
- Data Errors: The total number of data errors in all tables involved in the task. The count is affected by data errors and the Reset Data Errors option available when you drill down to a task.
- Profile: The task profile, which can be either unidirectional or bidirectional
- Log Stream Staging: The name of the Log Stream Staging task, both for the actual Log Stream Staging task and for any tasks associated with the Log Stream Staging task. For more information about the Log Stream Staging feature, refer to the Qlik Replicate Setup and User Guide.
- Type: The type of task, such as Full Load, CDC, or Full Load & CDC
- Loading Ended: Indicates whether loading has completed. This refers to completion of the Full Load stage in Replicate tasks and completion of the Full Load and/or Change Processing stage in Compose tasks.
- Source Name: The name of the source
- Source Type: The database type of the source
- Target Name: The name of the target
- Target Type: The target’s database type
- Memory (MB): The current utilization of memory, in MB. A task’s memory utilization is sampled approximately every 10 seconds. When the task is not running, the value is set to zero (0).
- Disk Usage (MB): The current utilization of disk space, in MB. A task’s disk utilization is sampled approximately every minute.
CPU (%): The amount of CPU being used by a specific task. The CPU sampling rate is approximately 10 seconds.
- Tags: The tags associated with a task
Loading columns
- Progress (%): The percentage of loading completed
- Target Throughput (rec/sec): The current target throughput, in rec/sec
Not displayed by default:
- Started: The date and time the loading started
- Ended: The date and time the loading ended
- Load Duration: The duration of the load process, in hh:mm:ss
- Total Tables: The total number of tables
- Tables Completed: The number of completed tables
- Tables Left: The number of tables remaining to be loaded
- Tables Loading: The number of tables currently loading
- Tables Queued: The number of tables in queue
- Records Completed: The number of completed records
- Records Left: The number of records remaining to be loaded
- Source Throughput (kbyte/sec): The current source throughput, in kbyte/sec
- Source Throughput (rec/sec): The current source throughput, in rec/sec
- Table Notes: Table notes, such as "0 tables failed loading"
- Target Throughput (kbyte/sec): The current target throughput, in kbyte/sec
- Total Records: The total number of records
With Compose tasks, canceled tables are reflected in the Total Tables counter but not in the Completed/Loading/Queued/Error counters. Therefore, when one or more tables is canceled in a task, the sum of these counters will be less than the Total Tables.
Change Processing columns
- Incoming Changes: The number of changes currently being processed
- Applied Changes: The number of changes applied
- Apply Throughput (rec/sec): The apply throughput, in rec/sec
- Apply Latency: The apply latency
- Apply Throughput (kbyte/sec): The apply throughput, in kbyte/sec
- Changes for Apply - In Memory (Target): The number of changes in memory during apply and until target commit
- Changes for Apply - On Disk (Target): The number of changes on disk during apply and until target commit
- Changes In Memory (Source): The number of changes accumulated in memory until source commit
- Changes on Disk (Source): The number of changes accumulated on disk until source commit
- COMMIT Change Records: The number of COMMIT change records
- COMMIT Change Volume: The number of COMMIT change volume, in MB
- COMMIT Transactions: The number of COMMIT transactions
- DDLs: The total number of applied DDLs
- DDLs (%): The percentage of applied DDLs
- DELETEs: The total number of DELETEs applied
- DELETEs (%): The percentage of DELETEs applied
- Incoming Transactions: The number of incoming transactions
- INSERTs: The total number of INSERTs applied
- INSERTs (%): The total percentage of INSERTs applied
- ROLLBACK Change Records: The number of ROLLBACK change records
- ROLLBACK Change Volume: The number of ROLLBACK change volume, in MB
- ROLLBACK Transactions: The number of ROLLBACK transactions
- Source Latency: The current source latency, in hh:mm:ss
- Source Throughput (kbyte/sec): The current source throughput, in kbyte/sec
- Source Throughput (rec/sec): The current source throughput, in rec/sec
- Total Latency: The overall latency, in hh:mm:ss
- Transactions (Source): The number of transactions accumulated until source commit
- Transactions for Apply (Target): The number of transaction during apply and until target commit
- UPDATES: The total number of UPDATEs applied
- UPDATES (%): The percentage of UPDATEs applied
Status summary
The Status Summary at the bottom of the window provides a quick overview of the current status of all monitored tasks and servers. It lists the following information:
For tasks: The total number of monitored tasks as well as the number of tasks that are running (green icon), stopped (gray icon), recovering (orange icon), and encountered an error (red icon)
Information noteThe "running" state also includes "starting" tasks. Similarly, the "stopped" state also includes "stopping" tasks.
You can double-click the task counters to open the corresponding Tasks View.
Note: The task counters do not consider tasks on servers that are not currently monitored. For more information, see Additional server management options.
- For servers: The total number of servers, the number of servers that are running and successfully monitored (green icon), the number of faulty servers that Enterprise Manager cannot monitor (red icon), and the number of servers that are not being monitored (gray icon)
Status Bar Example