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Qlik GeoCoding best practices

Follow these guidelines to improve your results and avoid redundant queries.

  • Properly configure and use the template app, as described in Configuring Qlik GeoCoding.
  • Try with a small number of addresses first.
  • Always store the result in QVD (as the template app does).
  • Only perform lookups of new addresses (as the template app does).
  • Do not insert sensitive data in index or address fields, which would violate the Qlik GeoCoding terms of service.
  • Split larger tables in consecutive calls (as the template app does).
  • Use specific address fields, to yield better and faster results.
  • Fill in all indata fields with proper info. Quality of lookup is highly dependent on the quality of the indata.
  • Make sure that the address fields only contain address information. Company names, phone numbers, c/o, apartment number, etc. may alter the result.
  • If an location field's info is missing or corrupt, it is better to leave that field blank.
  • Write out abbreviations if ambiguous, e.g. "C." could be “Corso”, “Calle” or “Contrado”.
  • Zip/postal code data has very high priority, so omit it if you are at all unsure about the accuracy of the data.
  • Every lookup on the service counts as a transaction, independent of the response.

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