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Create an ARC CDC solution in attunity replicate connect studio

Before you can begin to work with an ARC CDC Solution in Qlik Replicate, you must create a CDC solution using one of the supported ARC CDC Solutions using Attunity Replicate Connect Studio. For information on the required ARC installation necessary to create a CDC solution, see Prerequisites for using ARC CDC solutions.

To create a CDC solution in Attunity Replicate Connect Studio:

  1. Using Attunity Replicate Connect Studio, create a CDC Solution using the CDC Solution that you want to use as your source database in Qlik Replicate.

    For information on creating a CDC Solution, refer to the Attunity Integration Suite User Guide and Reference.

  2. At the end of the process for creating a CDC solution, you must deploy the solution. Do not activate the solution. Qlik Replicate activates the solution automatically when you begin to work with the CDC Solution.

    Information note

    If you activate the solution, then disable the router and staging area workspaces and keep the agent workspace enabled. For more information, see the Attunity Replicate Connect User Guide and Reference.

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