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Before you begin to work with Amazon EMR as a target in Qlik Replicate, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • General:

    • The Amazon S3 bucket you are using must be accessible from the Qlik Replicate machine.
    • The user specified in the Amazon EMR target endpoint's Hive access settings must have access to HiveServer2.
  • ODBC Driver when Replicate Server is running on Windows:

  • Install Amazon Hive ODBC driver or later on the Replicate Server machine.
  • ODBC Driver when Replicate Server is running on Linux:

  1. Install Amazon Hive ODBC driver or later on the Replicate Server machine.
  2. After the driver is installed, edit the amazon.hiveodbc.ini file as follows:



  • Permissions:
    • The Access settings selected in the Amazon EMR endpoint's Storage settings must have write access to the specified bucket folder.
      • Hive table permissions: Replicate requires permissions to perform the following operations on Hive tables: CREATE, DROP, DESCRIBE, and ALTER table. ALTER table may also include RENAME table, ADD/RENAME column, and CREATE/DROP partitions on tables.

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