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Limitations and considerations

The following limitations apply when AWS Aurora Cloud for PostgreSQL as a source:

  • The database name cannot include a semi-colon (;).
  • Both the source table and the corresponding target table must have an identical Primary Key. In the event that one of the tables does not have a Primary Key, the result of DELETE and UPDATE record operations will be unpredictable.
  • The “Start Process Changes from Timestamp” run option is not supported.
  • The Aurora read replica (in a High Availability environment) is not supported.

  • Replication of the Before Image is not supported.
  • Replication of multiple tables with the same name but a different case (e.g. table1, TABLE1 and Table1) may cause unpredictable behavior and is therefore not supported.
  • Change processing of [CREATE | ALTER | DROP] table DDLs are supported unless they are held in an inner function/procedure body block or in other nested constructs.


    For example, the following change will not be captured:


    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attu.create_distributors1() RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
    create table attu.distributors1(did serial PRIMARY KEY,name varchar(40) NOT NULL);
  • Change processing of TRUNCATE operations is not supported.
  • Deferred Constraints are not supported.
  • When Support partitioned tables in CDC is enabled in the Advanced tab, the following DDLs are not supported:

    • Drop partition
    • Detach partition
    • Attach partition - with data
    • UPDATEs to a partitioned source table will be applied as INSERTs and DELETEs to the target table.
  • When using the Parallel Load feature, table segmentation according to partitions or sub-partitions is not supported.
  • UPDATEs to a Unique Index segment will not be applied to the target, and a record of the attempted UPDATE(s) will be written to the attrep_apply_exceptions Control table.

  • When using filters that do not contain a Primary Key, DELETE operations will not be captured.
  • When capturing changes to source tables, a RENAME TABLE operation will be captured only if it is preceded by a DML operation.

  • PostGIS datatypes are not supported.

  • Unique Indexes with CASE expressions are not supported.

  • The AR_H_USER header column is not supported.

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