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Setting up Qlik Replicate in a Linux cluster

This section provides guidelines for setting up Qlik Replicate in a Linux cluster environment. There are several commercially available clustering solutions for Linux including Veritas Cluster Server, Red Hat Cluster Suite and IBM HACMP for Linux.

When one of the available clustering solutions is already in place, Qlik Replicate can be set up like any other cluster application while adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Replicate should be installed on the participating cluster nodes.

    For more information, see Setting up Qlik Replicate on Linux.

  • Replicate only supports the failover cluster configuration (active-passive). This means that, at any given time, the Data Movement gateway service should be running on one of the cluster nodes only.

  • The Qlik Replicate "data" folder should be stored in a SAN for shared access between the cluster nodes. To change the default location of the Qlik Replicate data folder, run the following command on the primary cluster node when the installation completes:

    ./repctl -d <shared_storage_path> service start

  • Only one instance of Replicate can be active at a given data location. The cluster software should be set so that during failover, one Replicate instance is stopped and the other is started.

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