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Setting up Qlik Replicate on Linux

This section describes how to install Qlik Replicate on Linux and contains the following topics:

For information on supported Linux platforms, see Supported Linux platforms.

Warning note
  • The login shell for the root user must be set to bash.
  • Before running a repctl command in a Linux shell session for the first time, you need to set the environment, either by invoking the login script manually (using: $ source arep_login.sh) or by adding that line to the ~/.bashrc script.
  • For all command line operations involving files such as arep_login.sh, only the bash shell is supported.
  • The commands for installing, upgrading and uninstalling Qlik Replicate must be run as root or using the sudo command.
  • All of the commands and examples in this section assume that Qlik Replicate is being installed/upgraded/uninstalled as root.

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