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Generating reference files

In the Advanced tab of the File Target endpoint, you can enable the Generate a reference file option. The Reference File contains a list of the Change File locations and is therefore only relevant if the task's Apply Changes or Store Changes options are enabled.

The reference file name format is as follows:




Information note

The counter suffix increases incrementally each time a new Reference File is generated (i.e. when the file reaches the maximum size defined in the General tab). Once a new Reference File has been generated, you can delete the old reference file(s) if required.


Whenever an Apply Changes data file is created, a new row is added to the Reference File in the following format:





Note that if the Post-process files option in the Advanced tab is also enabled, the Reference File will be generated after the post-processing completes.

Information note


  • When both the Post-process files and the Delete files (after post-processing completes) options are enabled, the reference file will not be generated.
  • If the Archive files to folder (after post-processing completes) option is selected, the reference file will be updated to reflect the archive location of the data files.

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