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The user specified in the endpoint connection settings must have the following permissions:

Full Load tasks

The ReplicationAdmin role with the SELECT privilege for the designated source tables.

Apply Changes tasks

The ReplicationAdmin role with the REPLICATION CLIENT and REPLICATION SLAVE privileges.

Checking for open XA transactions

When the task is initialized, Replicate checks whether there are any open XA transactions (transactions that use a two phase commit protocol). To allow this query to be performed, the following permission needs to be granted:

grant XA_RECOVER_ADMIN on *.* to 'userName'@'%';

Where userName is the user specified in the endpoint settings.

If this permission is not granted, the following error will be shown when you run the task:

Failed to check for open XA transactions. Verify that the user specified in the endpoint settings has the XA_RECOVER_ADMIN permission. Capturing changes while there are open XA transactions might lead to loss of data. If there are no XA transactions in this database, add the internal parameter IgnoreOpenXaTransactionsCheck to skip the XA transactions check.

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