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When defining a task with Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the target endpoint, the following limitations apply:

  • The Google Cloud Pub/Sub target endpoint does not support unlimited LOB size. Therefore, when replicating from source tables with LOB columns, do not select the Allow unlimited LOB size option.

    For more information on defining LOB settings, see Target metadata.

  • Batch optimized apply mode is not supported. If this mode is set, the task will automatically switch to Transactional apply mode and a message will be written to the task's log file.

    For more information on these modes, see Change Processing Tuning.

  • Store Changes mode is not supported.

  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic names must adhere to the guidelines provided in Create and manage topics.

    If the source table names exceed the maximum permitted length or contain unsupported characters, you need to do one of the following:

    • Modify the names before starting the task.
    • Define a table-level transformation if only a single table name needs to be changed.
    • Define a global transformation rule for multiple tables. For information on defining global transformations, see Starting the Global Transformation Rules wizard.
  • The Ignore ALTER Apply Changes setting is not supported for changes to source data types and table renaming.
  • Column names must adhere to the guidelines provided in Create and manage topics.

    If a source column name does not adhere to this rule, then a transformation should be used to rename the column.

  • The Drop and Create table Target Table Preparation option is only supported when the endpoint is configured to create a separate topic for each table. When the Drop and Create table option is set, the associated subscription will also be deleted.
  • The Truncate before loading Target Table Preparation option is not supported.
  • The Change Data Partitioning Control table is not supported.

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