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Opening the Qlik Replicate console

You browse to the Qlik Replicate Console using a supported Web browser from a computer in the same network as the computer on which the Qlik Replicate Server is installed. For information on supported browsers, see Supported browsers.

You can open the Console from the Start menu of the computer where you installed Qlik Replicate.

To enable and control access to Qlik Replicate, you can create user roles as described in User permissions.

To open Qlik Replicate

  • Click Start and from the All Programs section point to Qlik Replicate and select Qlik Replicate Console.
Information note

When you connect to the Qlik Replicate Console, your browser will prompt you for a username and password. The username and password that you need to specify depends whether Replicate Server is installed on Windows or Linux.

  • Qlik Replicate Server on Windows: Your domain username and password.
  • Qlik Replicate Server on Linux: Either specify your PAM credentials or, if PAM is not set up in your environment, specify admin as your username and the Replicate Server password as your password.

For information on setting the Replicate Server password, see Security considerations.

For information on PAM prerequisites, see Configuration 3: Replicate UI Console and Replicate server running on Linux.

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