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Setting general connection properties

This section describes how to configure general connection properties. For an explanation of how to configure advanced connection properties, see Setting advanced connection properties.

To add a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target to Qlik Replicate:

  1. In the Qlik Replicate Console, click Manage Endpoint Connections to open the Manage Endpoints Connections dialog box.
  2. In the Manage Endpoint Connections dialog box, click New Endpoint Connection.
  3. In the Name field, type a name for your Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Synapse Analytics [service]. This can be any name that will help to identify your Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse database.
  4. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target database. This is optional.
  5. Select Target as the role.
  6. Select Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse as the Type.
  7. Configure the settings as described below.

ODBC Access

  • Server name: The name of the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse server you are using.
  • Authentication method: Select one of the following:

    • Azure Active Directory Service Principal

      Then provide your Client ID and Client Secret in the designated fields.

    • Azure Active Directory User Principal

      Then provide a User name and Password in the designated fields.

  • Database name: The target database name.

Staging on Azure

  • ADLS Gen2 Storage Account: Specify the full name of your ADLS Gen2 storage account.



  • Container: The container containing your folders and files.
  • Azure Active Directory Tenant ID: The Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
  • Application Registration Client ID: The application registration client ID.
  • Application Registration Secret: The application registration secret.
  • Staging directory: The directory in which to create data files on ADLS.

Data Loading

  • SAS token: The SAS token that will be used by Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse to access the ADLS storage account.

  • Max file size (MB): Relevant for Full Load and CDC. The maximum size a file can reach before it is loaded/applied to the target. If you encounter performance issues, try adjusting this parameter.

    Information noteWhen using compression, the actual file size will be smaller.
  • Compression: Select None (the default) or Gzip. Selecting None will usually provide the best performance, as it leverages Microsoft's CSV parser 2.0. However, selecting Gzip (which is not supported by CSV parser 2.0) might improve loading performance in certain environments. It really depends on environment-specific factors such as latency from the Replicate machine to ADLS staging, the number of CSV files, and their size.
  • Number of files to apply in a batch: Relevant for Full Load only. The number of files to apply in a single batch. If you encounter performance issues, try adjusting this parameter.
  • Batch load timeout (seconds): If you encounter frequent timeouts when loading the files, try increasing this value.

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