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This topic list the prerequisites for using the SAP Sybase ASE source endpoint in a replication task.

General prerequisites

  • SAP Sybase ASE replication enabled for tables using the sp_setreptable command or privileges to enable it automatically.
  • RepAgent must be disabled on the SAP Sybase ASE database.
  • When replicating to SAP Sybase ASE 15.7 installed on a Windows machine configured with a non-Latin language (e.g. Chinese), Qlik Replicate requires Sybase 15.7 SP121 to be installed on the SAP Sybase ASE machine.
  • Turn off automatic truncation by running the following command:

    sp_dboption mydb, "trunc log on chkpt", false


Replicate on Windows

Install SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver 16.0 (64-bit) on the Qlik Replicate computer.

Replicate on Linux

  1. Stop the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has stopped as described in Replicate server procedures.

  2. Install SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver 16.0 (64-bit) on the Qlik Replicate computer.
  3. After the driver is installed, verify that the /etc/odbcinst.ini file contains an entry for Sybase, as in the following example:

    [Adaptive Server Enterprise]    
    Description=Sybase ODBC Driver
  4. Start the Replicate service and optionally confirm that it has started as described in Replicate server procedures.

  5. Verify that the symbolic link refers to libsybdrvodb-sqllen8.so.

    In the event that it does not, redirect the symbolic link to libsybdrvodb-sqllen8.so by running the following command:

    ln -fs ./libsybdrvodb-sqllen8.so libsybdrvodb.so

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