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Handling the secondary truncation point

When a task starts, Replicate establishes a $replication_truncation_point entry in the syslogshold system view, indicating that a replication process is in progress. While Qlik Replicate is working, it advances the replication truncation point at regular intervals, according to the amount of data that has already been copied to the target.

Once the $replication_truncation_point entry has been established, the Replicate task must be kept running at all times to prevent the database log from becoming excessively large. If you want to stop the Replicate task permanently, the replication truncation point must be removed by issuing the following command:

dbcc settrunc('ltm','ignore')

After the truncation point has been removed, the Replicate task cannot be resumed. The log will continue to be truncated automatically at the checkpoints (if automatic truncation is set).

Information note

Qlik Replicate requires the secondary truncation point to be valid. Manually changing the secondary truncation point may result in changes not being captured or the task being stopped due to errors.

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