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This page covers reading from different file types using the FTP and SFTP connectors.

Text files and CSV files

The FTP and SFTP connectors allow reading data from text files (e.g. CSV) and writing to text files. The connector supports the following modes:

  • Raw mode: lines in the file are handled as strings (one string per line).
  • CSV mode (comma separated values): lines in the file are delimited with e.g. a comma or semi colon, and are converted to an array (list) when reading from the file.

Listing files

Use . for the Path to list the files in the default folder (as configured on the SFTP server for the current user) or / for the root folder:

A List Files On SFTP block.

The Inputs tab of a List Files On SFTP block, containing a field for a path.

Example path for listing the files in a folder under the default folder:


Reading data from files

Example of reading data from a CSV file:

an automation that reads and outputs data as an array.

an automation consisting of a Read Data From File On Sftp block connected to an Output bloc. The Read Data From File On Sftp block is selected. Its path connects to a default folder and its mode is set to CSV.

The data from the file will be a list (array), where each item in the list represents one line.

For Raw mode files, each line will be a string. Example:

  "first line of file",
  "second line of file"

For CSV files, the structure of each line will depend on the setting Use the first row as headers:

The Use the first row as headers setting.

Use first row as headers is set to No.

If Use first row as headers is set to Yes: each line will be an object with the values from the CSV line, and the header line is used for keys. Example:

    "first row header 1": "second row value 1",
    "first row header 2": "second row value 2"
    "first row header 1": "third row value 1",
    "first row header 2": "third row value 2"

If Use first row as headers is set to No: each line will be a list (array) with the values from the CSV line. Example:

    "first row value 1",
    "first row value 2"
    "second row value 1",
    "second row value 2"

Writing data to a file

Create a new file using the block Create and open file. Next, use the block Add line to file or Add lines to file, to add data to the newly opened file:

an automation that writes data to a file.

an automation consisting of a Create and open file on SFTP block and a Write Line To File On SFTP block. The Create and open file on SFTP block is selected. Its path is connected to a new csv file.

When adding one line to the file, the data should be a string for Raw mode, and it should be an object or list for CSV mode:

an automation that writes data to a file.

As above, but the Write Line To File On SFTP block is selected. It connects to the newly created csv file and adds an object to it.

When adding multiple lines at once to a file, the data should be a list (array) where each item represents one line. The item should be a string for Raw mode and it should be an object or list for CSV mode:

Adding multiple objects at once.

As above, but with a Write Multiple Lines To File On SFTP block. It connects to the newly created csv file and adds a list to it.

Here's how the variable MyList was created for the above example:

Formatting an object.

an automation consisting of a Variable - myobject block and a Variable - mylist block. The myobject block is selected.

Formatting a list.

As above, but the mylist object is selected. Myobject is added to mylist.

Appending data to a file

Adding data to an existing file is currently not supported. Instead, create an automation that performs the following steps:

  1. Open the existing file
  2. Create a new file
  3. Read all the data from the existing (old) file and add it to the new file
  4. Add the new data to the new file
  5. Delete the existing (old) file

Handling large amounts of data

Here's an example automation that processes all the data from a CSV file at once, and writes it to a new file:

Processing all data at once.

an automation consisting of a Read Data From File On Sftp block, a Transform List block, a Create and open file on SFTP block, and a Write Multiple Lines To File On SFTP block. The Transform List block is selected. It processes data from the Read Data From File On Sftp block.

Writing multiple lines at once.

As above, but the Write Multiple Lines To File On SFTP block is selected. It accesses a newly created file and writes the output of the Transform List block.

This will work for large amounts of data since the blocks Read data from file, Transform list and Write to file all use an iterator. This means that the full list will not be read into memory at once. Instead the input list (from the CSV file) will be iterated using an iterator, and the output list will not be created until the data is required.

In the above example automation, this means that the transformed list will be created as the data is written to the destination CSV file, using an iterator.

Here's another example that will also use an iterator, meaning it will work for (very) large files. A file is read from SFTP and created on Google Cloud Storage:

Writing from a file using an iterator.

an automation consisting of a Start block, a Create and open file on Google Cloud Storage block, a Read Data From File On Sftp block, and a Write Line To File On Google Cloud Storage block in a loop. The final block accesses a new file and writes data from the Sftp file to it.

Note that the block Write line to file for Google Cloud Storage will use an internal buffer and write the data in larger chunks, so the above automation will work efficiently for large files.

Reading and writing from binary files

Binary files are handled through the generic File blocks, not the (S)FTP connectors. Click on Files in the top left corner of the automation editor and select the Open file block. Select FTP or SFTP as the datasource:

Reading from a binary file.

An example of an Open file on FTP block.

The generic file connector can handle both text files and binary files (e.g. PDF or PNG files). You can use this connector to stream very large files from a source to a destination, e.g. you could copy a file of 1TB from FTP to Amazon S3, Dropbox or other support cloud storage services.

Base64 encoding

Use the formula base64encode to convert the binary content to a base64 string representation:

Using base64encode.

An output block with a base64encode command.

This is useful if the file is e.g. a PDF that needs to be uploaded to a REST API. A common scenario is reading PDF invoices from FTP and uploading to an accounting platform.

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