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Working with run modes

Runs modes refer to how the automation starts. The run mode option is only available on the start block. Each run mode is explained in this topic.

The start block

The start block is the first block in any automation. The run mode is the only configuration required on this block.

The four run modes are:

Run modes

Start block run modes drop-down menu


When you set the start block to manual, the automation is only executed when you click Run. Manual run mode is used most often for testing.


When you set the start block to scheduled, the automation is executed on a set schedule. You can configure the duration of the schedule, the start time, and the frequency.

Run mode inputs

Start block with schedule

The Schedule every field has a prepopulated list that you can use to determine the frequency of the runs.


When you set the start block to triggered, you can use the automation webhook URL to trigger the automation. For details, see Triggered webhooks.


When you set the start block to webhook, the automation is triggered by an event from a connector block. This option is only available for some connectors, which are prepopulated in the Connector field. For details, see Native webhooks.

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