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Working with automation scheduling

Automations can be run automatically on a schedule.

Creating a schedule

You can view current schedules, and create or delete schedules, from the Overview section of your automation. On this page, you can create a schedule from the Schedule section.

In the example below, the schedule has a start and end date and time, is scheduled to run every day, and has a time zone set. Once the schedule is saved, the schedule becomes active.

Automation schedule

The schedule configuration from the Overview section

Once the schedule is active, the start block is updated with the schedule information. You can edit the schedule from the start block.

Schedule inputs

The start block schedule information

Schedule history

Each time the automation executes, a new entry is added to the history section. Executions that are triggered from a schedule include the schedule time, unlike a manual run which does not show any schedule time. Scheduled runs that are queued but not yet triggered are also added to the table with a status of Not started.

Automation history

Schedule history showing a scheduled run, completed scheduled runs, and manual runs

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