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Exporting apps

You can export apps from Qlik Cloud as .qvf files. These can be uploaded into other Qlik Cloud tenants or Qlik Sense versions.

Warning note

Tenant admins cannot export apps from other users' personal spaces, but they can take ownership of these apps and then export them.

Private apps that manage security with section access can be exported only by the app owner from their personal space. If a tenant admin has exported an app with section access from a shared space, and they are not the app owner, they will not be able to access the script upon upload to another Qlik Cloud tenant. The admin must duplicate the app to access Data load editor and create a new script.

Information noteTo export an app that uses section access, you must be assigned at least one of the following permissions for shared spaces:
  • Can edit

  • Can manage

When you export an app, the following content is included:

  • Public content (sheets, stories, bookmarks)
  • Private content belonging to you
  • The media library.
  • Data loaded in the app.

The exported app is saved in the default download folder of your web browser.

You can export the app without any data. This only exports the sheets and stories of the app. If you have access to a Qlik Sense Enterprise deployment, you can import this into QMC and use it to replace the sheets and stories of an app without changing the data model. For more information, see Importing apps.

Exporting apps with data

  • Click More on the app you want to export and select Export with data.

Exporting apps without data

  • Click More on the app you want to export and select Export without data.

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